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Gain tools to solidify your faith in the Word of God and experience the Word coming alive.


Join a community of eager lovers of God’s Word.


I am a leading minister, bible teacher, and speaker in the United States. Also the creator of the Living Word Show and the Founder of Outreach 4 Every One—a ministry that focuses on equipping and inspiring believers to reach one soul at a time. I started, my journey at 2016 and has ministered in several churches in the United States.


I had seen hundreds of sicknesses healed and has witnessed many prophetic words that were confirmed. Among them have been rotator cuff injury healed, deaf ears opened, skin cancer sores drying up, wheelchair disability healed, and many more! I enjoys spending my free time soaking in God’s presence, spending time with loved ones, reading, and learning new things.

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Solape Osoba Imagery

Get access to the Living Word Bible School for only $99.



We expect you to come out of the school with a greater understanding of the volume of the Bible and to have a deeper understanding of the eternal purposes of God.


We expect you not to only see but to also enter the kingdom and live a kingdom lifestyle here on earth. And for you to leave the bible school with a clear understanding of God’s purpose for you. 


We expect you to know what it means to step into the Spirit and into what God is doing. And for you to be equipped to do the work of ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ.


We expect you to complete the bible school confident that you can hear what the Spirit says.

Vickie M.

It is very important that you do know and understand the Spirit language in the Bible and understand what you’re reading. I can honestly say with this Bible school, I am a different person. I find myself reading the Bible with more intention, more excitement because now, it’s like it’s coming alive.

Maggiei L.

The Word of God, the true Word of God that I’m learning here at this Bible school literally pulled things out of me that needed to be dealt with. First, he healed me and that opened up my mind and my heart to pay attention to the Word, and not have to scramble through my stuff. The Word of God literally has changed not just me but people around me; my family and my friends.

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